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Dedicated and serving the
Colombian childhood

At Fundación Sol en los Andes, we offer children diagnosed with cancer, emerging from distant and vulnerable populations in Colombia: free accommodation, medical, psychosocial, spiritual and educational support, during the time of their medical treatment in the city, thus providing great relief and tranquility to the families of the little ones.

Frase del Día de Muertos sobre rectángulo azul y foto de decoración de papel picado (2).pn

About us


The most sincere thanks to all that group of volunteers who are always available for the children and their mothers. It is truly an honor to have you who, from your ample generosity, attend to the needs that are presented in the Foundation. In addition, it is necessary to thank those who with their economic contribution guarantee that the children have adequate care at Casa Betania: may God pay them for their effort and He continues blessing their work always.

We encourage you to continue building the great Solandine family with your time, creativity, work and financial support.




Psychosocial and affective accompaniment to the child together with her family and her environment, in this way they will be able to cope with her illness without losing the illusions typical of childhood.

To know

Educational intervention where children have continuity in their studies, offering them the possibility of attending academic activities adapted to their time and state of health.


Through different activities, children can live new experiences and recognize that cancer is not the end of their dreams.


You can be part of their lives by joining our activities as a volunteer.


Raising our spirits

We are a social work of the Oblate Missionaries Congregation, and it is vital for us to provide children and their companions with spaces of intimacy and recognition, in this way their hearts reconcile and experience bodily and spiritual healing.

Buying help

It is a way of making our cause visible through institutional products. Each purchase that contributes to the well-being of children and their companions.

Las botellas de reciclaje

Eco-environmental program

Since 2012, the Fundación Sol en los Andes dreams of an increasingly clean world for everyone and for this reason, within its sustainability policies, it has implemented the Eco-Environmental Program, with the aim of raising awareness about caring for the planet, in this way, the recycling activity provides the resources for food to the children and those accompanying them who stay at Casa Betania.

How can you join this Program?


It is very simple, write an e-mail to or contact the following telephones colombia: 601-458 6134/300 6529112.


Remember that caring for the planet is everyone's job, and the small actions carried out by many people can generate great transformations.
The Eco-environmental program is divided into two campaigns:

Friendly tapas, happy children, clean planet.

It is the main initiative of the Program, and consists of collecting caps from any pet container. Upon arrival at the Foundation and thanks to the collaboration of volunteers, the tapas are classified by color and then marketed, the inexpensive product becomes a balanced menu.


Since 2012, the Fundación Sol en los Andes dreams of an increasingly clean world for everyone and for this reason, within its sustainability policies, it has implemented the Eco-environmental Program, with the aim of raising awareness about caring for the planet, In this way, the recycling activity provides the resources for food to the children and those accompanying them who stay at Casa Betania.


Recycling, recycling, well, you are helping me.

This campaign has the purpose of encouraging recycling in the different sectors where the Foundation has a space. In October 2017, the Santa Cecilia Collection Center was inaugurated, where aluminum, pet plastic, paper, glass and cardboard are stored, in addition to being a benchmark for the sector.

Little Boy Jugar al doctor


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Casa Betania

Calle 22 # 43A-12 
Teléfono: +(57)(1) 458 6134
Cel: +(57)(1)301 661 41 53
Bogotá - Colombia

Sede Administrativa

Carrera 43 A # 22-80
Teléfono: +(57)(1) 458 6134
Cel: +(57)(1)301 661 41 53
Bogotá - Colombia

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